Informe del Consejo de Cambios Climáticos
Ernesto L. Díaz, Director del Programa de Manejo de la Zona Costanera -
Lessons Learned on Social Vulnerability: Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change
Dra. Jenniffer M. Santos Hernández Center for Social Research, UPR Río Piedras -
The Impacts of Urbanization/Urban Development in the Climate of Puerto Rico
Dr. Angel Torres Valcarcel, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Purdue University -
Developing high-resolution, island-centric projections of ecologically relevant climate variables for Puerto Rico: a foundation for adaptation strategies
Jaime A. Collazo & Adam J Terando USGS NC Cooperative Research Unit and Southeast Climate Science Center, North Carolina State University, Cooperativa para la Conservación del Paisaje en el Caribe